Research tells us that toxins in our environment can directly impact hormones and fertility. Endocrine disruptors, or chemicals that mimic or interfere with a person’s hormones, are rampant in our world today. You’ve likely heard of endocrine disruptors like BPA and phthalates, but there are many others.
It can feel overwhelming to make changes, but it’s absolutely worth it for anyone on a fertility journey - male and female! I teach my 1:1 clients and Fertility Coach Academy students that it’s easier to prevent the toxins from getting into the body than getting them out again. And doing what you can to remove barriers to fertility and promote general wellness is always a win in my book.
Here are the top changes I recommend implementing to reduce the toxins in your world. Remember, it’s okay to start small and celebrate progress over perfection.

Menstrual products
Unfortunately, menstrual products like tampons, pads, and even period underwear can contain toxins like PFAs - what many scientists call “forever chemicals.” I recommend using organic tampons and pads without any fragrance or an environmentally friendly menstrual cup.
Personal Care & Makeup
Our skin is our body’s largest organ, so what we put on it is incredibly important. When it comes to makeup and personal care products, it can often feel like the Wild, Wild West. Many of the ingredients used in these products are exempt from FDA regulation, and toxins are very common.
Here are a few main ones to look out for, but I always encourage cross checking your ingredients with the rating system on the Environmental Working Group’s website. (I also love referencing EWG’s Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen lists when buying fresh produce!)
Some common ingredients to avoid in personal care and makeup products include: Triclosan, BPA, phthalates, parabens, fragrance, and formaldehydes
Some of my favorite nontoxic beauty products include:
Body Wash: They have lots of scents (with no artificial fragrance!) that are perfect for the whole family.
Household Items
Cleaning up the products you use in your home can often feel like the most overwhelming (and expensive!) part of reducing environmental toxins. Again, my mantra is just to start somewhere and remove the barriers that are the lowest hanging fruit in your life. Make upgrades whenever and however you can, and rest assured that slow progress is still very impactful.
Here are the top things I recommend changing, in order of budget friendliness.
Laundry Detergent: Again, your skin is your largest organ, so what you use to wash your clothes is more important that you may realize! Most big brand detergents are laden with chemicals. Personally, we use TrulyFree.
Cleaning Supplies: Toss away all of the harsh chemicals and swap them for one of the many nontoxic (but still highly effective) cleaning products now available, even in big box stores like Target. Be sure to use EWG to check the ingredients, and aim to buy products ranked between a 1-3. Our family loves Branch Basics!
Plastic Containers: Slowly move away from using plastics for food storage, and instead use glass or stainless steel when possible. This is especially important for drinkware and when cooking, storing, and reheating food.
Nonstick Cookware: PFAs, a group of chemicals associated with many negative health outcomes, are widely used in nonstick cookware. When you’re able, swap your nonstick pots and pans for stainless steel (I like this option!), ceramic, or cast iron.
If making these changes feels overwhelming, I want to encourage you to reframe the process and think of each small shift as a new way of loving and supporting your body. That perspective keeps the whole journey feeling positive and exciting rather than difficult and even impossible. Mindset is everything!