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Creating a Vision for Your Life

Writer's picture: Elizabeth King Elizabeth King

Do you have a vision for your life? A passion that drives you to get out of bed every morning? A deep purpose that you just can’t ignore?

Maybe you’re wondering about the difference between a vision and goals. A vision is the overarching purpose for your life and the compilation of everything you hope to be. Goals are short term, action-oriented steps that lead to bringing that vision to life!

The busyness of our days can often distract us from truly living a vision-oriented life.

Here are my top tips for helping your vision come alive:

  • Set up a routine for your day. This applies whether you’re working from home, working in an office, or anything in between. Creating flexible routines for your days can support increased productivity and prevent burnout. Pro Tip: Find a non-negotiable time of day where you can plan for the day ahead (or the next day!). For me, this is first thing in the morning, but it could also be done as part of your evening routine for the following day. Don’t forget to jot down things you’re grateful for to remind you of the why behind your work!

  • Find a mentor. When it comes to a vision for your life, I believe in thinking BIG. Don’t allow yourself to shrink to what you think you “should” be doing. And find people who will support and challenge you in that journey! I think it’s so important to find a mentor/coach who can motivate you and help you lean into the best version of yourself.

  • Don’t do too much. Think big - yes! Stack your schedule so it becomes unmanageable - no! You want to set yourself up to be successful, so be sure to set challenging but realistic goals to hold you accountable along your path.

  • BONUS TIP: Believe you CAN. Your mindset plays a huge role in the realization of your vision. Overcome your limiting beliefs and speak positive affirmations into your life. I have tips for supporting a positive mindset in this blog if you need help getting started. I also love setting an alarm on my phone every day to lock in my vision statement. It’s a great reminder and way to keep yourself aligned.

Want a peek into my life’s vision…?

To use my story and unique skill set to support and empower other women.

My daily work as a coach, both to women on their TTC journey and to women looking to start their own coaching business, allows me to live in my purpose every single day. I never take that for granted.

What does living in your purpose look like for you? How can you start today to bring your vision to life? If you’d like some accountability, shoot me a DM and let’s chat about how I can support you!

PS: If becoming a fertility coach is tugging on your heart, grab my free guide for five steps to starting your fertility coaching business.

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About Elizabeth King 

Elizabeth King Coaching provides go-to fertility resources for women. From pregnancy loss support to learning how to be a fertility coach, Elizabeth King helps women successfully navigate pregnancy and parenthood with fertility coach programs and courses.


©2020 by Elizabeth King Life Coaching

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